Aspen trees exemplify nature’s phenomenal blend of beauty, adaptation, endurance, and quiescent strength.
About Aspen ESS
Aspens aren’t standalone trees as one would expect; in fact, the trees of an Aspen grove all share the same root system. This evolved, time-tested, shared foundation is what ultimately allows these organisms to survive for thousands of years.
This remarkable truth naturally serves as the supporting metaphor behind how Aspen ESS was founded and operates. The ESS of our name is a testament to our focus and commitment to Enterprise Software and Services.
Beyond their impressive physical characteristics (which can be learned from a distance), aspens provide one of the most rewarding visual, aural, and spiritual experiences the outdoors has to offer.
Time spent amongst these wonderful trees with the leaves changing color on a pleasant fall day is something everyone should experience. Originally born in Colorado and having spent most of my life in Arizona (with an appreciable amount of time spent outdoors in northern Arizona), I’ve always privately respected and been awed by these wonders.
Todd Ingersoll, Founder Aspen ESS
Our Priority
Simply put, we want organizations to benefit from our forty-five years of success and experience helping enterprise software and services businesses succeed.
We are driven to win and will only achieve this when we help others do exactly that.
Our Focus
We are committed to significantly improving, in as short a timeframe as possible, every business need that commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solution providers, their customers, and corporate IT teams experience in relation to enterprise/business software.
That’s why we developed EADEn, our proprietary Enterprise Application Development Engine.
EADEn is chiefly responsible for rapidly satisfying your enterprise business application needs (and for ourselves as we ardently practice “eating our own cooking” and are our own toughest critics).
Our Promise
No Risk
You will be able to evaluate our fully functional, tested, and health-checked “headless” solution offering, free of charge.
Full-Service Support
We’ll be there every step of the way – answering your questions; granting access to your new software package; reviewing tests and health checks; demonstrating security, business logic extensions, workflow orchestration, and more.
Pricing Transparency
Pricing is based exclusively on how many tables are in your relational database (excluding any additional professional services fees, if necessary). You’ll be provided with cost details right up front.